Category: Uncategorized
Knitting and Crochet Blog Week Day 7 – Looking forward
This is my final post for Knitting and Crochet Blog Week (4KCBWDAY7). I’ve enjoyed this year – thanks Eskimimi for organising it. Here’s the brief: One year from now, when the 5th Knitting & Crochet Blog Week rolls around, where do you hope your crafting will have taken you to? What new skills, projects and…
Blog Week announced
Eskimimi has announced the dates of the annual knitting and crochet blog week: I’m looking forward to it. Should be able to manage a few posts again.
The Ravellenic Games
I’ve declared my projects for the Ravellenic Games. 14 squares on my sock yarn blanket/scarf – competing in the Modular Relay The Anthracite Cowl – competing in Cowl Jump, Lace Longjump and Synchronised Stash-busting Go Team GB! I’ll post a before-photo of the scarf for proof of progress. Must get on with winding the silk…
Yarn Along again
This week I’ve had a horrible bout of tonsillitis that left me off work and too sick to knit. As I started to recover, I wanted to knit something very simple so I started this scarf – the Doughnut Scarf. The yarns are all Colinette, from my trip to their factory shop last summer. The…
Back to work
I left you nearly a month ago with the revelation of having discovered mattress stitch and going off to sew together the sweater for my son’s birthday. I haven’t really been sewing seams all that time, although it did take about four days worth of knitting time. Here is the result: And here he is…
WIP Wednesday
I’ve made a lot of progress on the cotton sweater for my son. The main body is done and I’m 20 rows from the end of the first sleeve. Sadly, one ball of yarn was not sufficient for the sleeve, so I’m waiting for an extra ball to arrive. The picture is of the main…
Blue, blue, blue
I’m knitting away on my son’s birthday sweater. Nearly finished the main body up to the armholes. This evening I want to get most of the neck shaping done, so this will be a very brief post. My hands are constantly dyed blue from the indigo leaking off the Rowan Denim. Thankfully, soap tends to…
Birthday bragging
In the midst of Knitting and Crochet Blog Week it was my birthday. Since the blogging topics for last week didn’t really include a “jump up and down and shout about all the nice stuff you have” topic, I thought I’d wait until this week to catch up. Mr H is away in Sheffield watching…
Crafting Balance and A Perfect Crafting Day
The topic for today is to talk about the balance between knitting and crochet, but I think I covered that in yesterday’s post, so I’m going to play my wildcard (3KCBWWC) and write on this topic instead: Craft Your Perfect Day My perfect knitting day would involve being on my own, away from the family.…
Improving your skillset – 3KCBWDAY6
Here is the brief for today’s post for Knitting and Crochet Blog Week: How far down the road to learning your craft do you believe yourself to be? Are you comfortable with what you know or are you always striving to learn new skills and add to your knowledge base? Take a look at a…