Yarn Along again

This week I’ve had a horrible bout of tonsillitis that left me off work and too sick to knit. As I started to recover, I wanted to knit something very simple so I started this scarf – the Doughnut Scarf. The yarns are all Colinette, from my trip to their factory shop last summer. The tabs on the bottom are various scraps of Hullaballoo yarn and the main body of the scarf is in Art, a lovely yarn with some bamboo content. I’m enjoying the complete lack of challenge, although I got bored yesterday evening so stopped. For some reason I am using straights – most unusual, although I’m quite enjoying it.

The book is one of my current library books – The Campus Trilogy by David Lodge. Having grown up living on a university campus, I love books set in similar environments. This one so far is quite good: the story of an academic exchange between a UK academic at the University of Rummidge and a US professor at Euphoria University. It is quite densely written, but clever. The academics have just found themselves simultaneously in strip clubs on opposite sides of the world. I await developments with interest.

[edited to add yarn along button]






One response to “Yarn Along again”

  1. Daisy avatar

    Ugh, hope you’ve recovered now! Tonsillitis is horrible – I haven’t regretted sending my tonsils off to languish in the NHS tonsil archive…