Category: Field Trip
Retreat at Sheldon
Observant readers may note that I am about three weeks behind in these posts. By the time I get round to writing about today, I will be back at work (Hurrah!). Did you know? You can leave comments on these posts. Click on the title of a post (e.g. “Retreat at Sheldon”, above) and scroll…
Givendale and Thixendale
Givendale In September, I was made a Canon of York Minster. Having been appointed to the Canonry and Prebendary of Givendale, it made sense to go and find Givendale and see what is there. The only information I was given was that the prebendary is of “Little Givendale in the East Riding”. These details, although…
Three buildings visited – or scroll right to the bottom for my reflections. St Luke’s – the Bombed-Out Church I was particularly interested to see this church building because of the parallels with our St Martin’s. St Luke’s was also bombed during the second world war, but has been treated differently. Rather than being partially…
Field Trip
Over the last couple of weeks, I have started my series of church building visits. Before I write them up, I thought I would write a little bit about what I am looking for. My main aim is to see what the building says about Christianity in its presentation. These are the questions I am…
Visiting churches
Most people who have heard me talk about church buildings will know that I’m not a big fan of them, at least, not in the way people expect a vicar to be. I do not generally enjoy visiting church buildings. Over the years, many congregation members have assumed that I (and presumably every other member…
Yarndale 2015
I went off to Yarndale for the Saturday, this time with a friend from my local knitting group. They’ve really got the hang of the logistics now. We didn’t have to queue much at all, except when it got really busy at lunchtime. Once again, my little corner of the internet came to life. I…
In which I go to Yarndale 2014
Having enjoyed Yarndale so much in 2013, I booked to go again in the autumn. My friend Daisy rather conveniently came to visit the week of Yarndale, so we went together. She’s blogged at rather greater length and with more pictures than me. The evening before, I did a thorough analysis of my stash, looking…
In which my spinning makes a great leap forward
The journey so far: I begin reading about spinning on other knitting blogs. It sounds fun, but I wonder whether it is worth the effort A friend starts spinning and is very enthusiastic about it I begin to imagine how it would feel to be able to say “I made the yarn”. I think this…
Writing to deadlines
I often struggle to write when there is a specific deadline. I nearly always meet the deadline (except writing parish magazine articles), but only get going when there isn’t really enough time left to do a good job. After years of pondering this, I’ve realised that I write best early in the day, so the…
Yarndale was a fabulous day, but I didn’t take many pictures, except of the stash when I got home. It felt as if the internet had come to life. Pretty much all the yarn sellers that I buy from were there and it was lovely to meet them. I took a pair of socks to…