Author: Knitter

  • And the winner is…

    Seems a long time since Sock Sniper started, and indeed it is 2 months. Things got quite tense in the last weeks. I had no idea where my third pair of socks to finish were coming from and it was weeks before they arrived. By that point we were down to the final three: me…

  • Writing to deadlines

    I often struggle to write when there is a specific deadline. I nearly always meet the deadline (except writing parish magazine articles), but only get going when there isn’t really enough time left to do a good job. After years of pondering this, I’ve realised that I write best early in the day, so the…

  • Yarndale

    Yarndale was a fabulous day, but I didn’t take many pictures, except of the stash when I got home. It felt as if the internet had come to life. Pretty much all the yarn sellers that I buy from were there and it was lovely to meet them. I took a pair of socks to…

  • The state of the yarn

    Looking in my knitting photos folder for September, it looks like it has been a busy month. I left you awaiting the release of the patterns for Sock Sniper. They were duly released and I fired my first shot across the Atlantic, taking a rookie sniper from Massachusetts out of the game.  Not my fastest…

  • Ready, aim, fire!

    Tomorrow is one of my favourite times of the knitting year. Sock Sniper begins and I (hopefully, if all goes to plan) get to kill someone with a pair of socks. I didn’t get the orange cabled socks done in time, but one of them is finished, so the needles are free. I was getting…

  • All a-swirl

    There is an essay by the Yarn Harlot where she talks about how being a process knitter means that, when you spot a huge mistake that requires ripping back a big load of knitting, it is strange that it doesn’t make you happy to have to do all the knitting again. Yesterday, I was puzzled…

  • Knitting to plan

    A progress report of my attempt to be more focussed. Here is the plan, with updates: Finish the cabled orange socks – deadline 1st September. Still on the first sock Frog the fair-isle hat Done. Yarn is reskeined and ready for a bath Knit socks for sock sniper Make gradual progress on the cotton blanket…

  • Here’s a plan

    Looking back at the year so far, my knitting has been rather below par in terms of volume. I think I need to be more focused in choosing what to knit and when to knit it. So, let’s have a round-up of WIPS and queued yarn and patterns. My ravelry project list is pretty honest.…

  • Knitting and Computation

    I’m enjoying this series of posts linking knitting with various computational concepts. Post 1: Towards Computational Craft Post 2: A Computational model of knitting I’m back from holiday now, with a few inches of Trillian knitted and I’ve got to the first heel turn of the heavily cabled socks.

  • And the winner is…

    …Malabrigo, and a shawl from Strickmitt! Thanks to Beks for the inspiration. I got the ebook with four shawls in and I’ll have a look and decide which one I’m actually going to knit.