Author: Knitter

  • He is risen. I have fallen… asleep

    When you are a vicar, Holy Week is a really big deal. This year I’ve upped the number of services slightly, plus we’ve had a big theme of exploring creative prayer during Lent. I’ve loved pretty much every minute of it, but it has been full on. Today, after two services and a home communion,…

  • Hand exercises for knitters

    A good video and free booklet about hand exercises to make knitting less painful.  

  • Daylight

    It really is true that you get better photos of knitted stuff when you take them in daylight. That’s more like the intensity. Observant readers will notice that I haven’t actually knitted any more, just turned it over to photograph the other side. We had a little trip to A&E yesterday. It turns out it…

  • Colour

    Today I am enthralled by colour, the brighter the better. This is quite possibly the simplest knitting that I have ever attempted, but the irregularity of the stripes is keeping me interested. That’s not actually the colour that really has me gripped. No, that would be this: Only of course I’m blogging late at night…

  • Weak

    Yesterday I started another read-through of the Yarn Harlot’s blog. This is a really bad idea for many reasons, mostly linked to my responsibilities as wife, mother and office-holder, plus the undesirability of prolonged sleep-deprivation, the twitchiness of my left eye and the lack of any real plan for work tomorrow. Still, here’s a lovely…

  • Spinning around

    The spinning has made progress today. I now have two full bobbins of singles of the Jacob humbug fleece, so they are ready to ply. However, I only have three bobbins so, before I could ply, I needed to clear the third bobbin. On the third bobbin I was halfway through spinning a selection of…

  • Two finished items

    Two finished items

    Last week on my day off I spent most of the day sourcing items for the boy’s world book day costume: he went as Asterix. Here’s the hat. I had to buy a hot glue gun to make the wings. Now that is an awesome new toy. Later in the day, I sat down with…

  • Day off with the kids

    Ah, half term. A day off with no school run, but two small people to entertain all day. T took control of the tablet this morning and did some major work on his mixel collection, creating some really rather creative Lego bits and pieces. J has discovered scissors, so we spent some time clearing up…

  • Balanced

    [I do get round to talking about knitting and spinning eventually in this post – keep going] I’ve spent a bit of time during this last year or so bemoaning the lack of time I have to devote to knitting and spinning. With a full time job, two little kids, and a husband I really…

  • Writing letters

    This month I will be mostly writing letters.  February seems to be the month for committing to writing a real old-fashioned letter every day. There’s Lettermo, which I have joined up with. There is also InCoWriMo. That is, of course, International Correspondence Writing Month. Tagline: One a day, every day, February. I’m following both the…