The state of the blog April 2018

Stating the obvious

I’m out of the habit of blogging.  There are a few drafts kicking around in the list of posts that I haven’t finished, plus a whole lot more posts that have never got beyond the mental note of oh, that would make a good topic. I even have a few piles of books and knitting stuff waiting to be blogged. There’s one pile of books on my desk that is really getting in the way, so that has to stop.

Last week I spent a good chunk of a day catching up on what I’ve been wanting to write about so that I can make a fresh start. Delving into my knitting and reading gave me enough of a break from work so that I could be refreshed and ready for the marathon of the Easter weekend.

All that’s needed now is to remember to click publish on posts before they get completely out of date.  Yes, I had to redraft all the tenses in that preceding paragraph as I didn’t actually publish, despite having written that.

In brief: knitting continues, reading is still a constant part of life. Oh, and I’ve done some new things with my sleep patterns that have had some profound effects.

You’ll find my instagram as a widget on the sidebar. I like the format of choosing a picture and having something to say about it, so I’m using that when perhaps in the past I would have thought about blogging.






One response to “The state of the blog April 2018”

  1. Daisy avatar

    I’m intrigued about the sleep patterns. And still trying to work out how I fit reading in with toddler (admittedly she is currently ‘reading’ in her cot whilst I could be reading instead of staring at my phone) . She is looking at her Bible storybook and I am trying to guess the story by what she says!