I think most of these links will only work if you have a Ravelry account. If you knit and don’t have an account, I highly recommend it.
What did I finish in 2014?
- Handwarmers for my sister – finished on January 2nd (a late Christmas present
- Stranded Advent Scarf – finished on January 23rd
- Socks for Toby and some more squares on the great big sock yarn scarf. These were both for the 2014 Winter Ravellenics
- Two (1,2)pairs of socks for Sock Madness
- A hat for me
- Ysoldas’s Mystery KAL shawl
- My portable knitting project: Trillian, a small triangular scarf made of sock yarn (no picture of it finished, but it is often round my neck).
- Socks for Sock Sniper
- The big Auction Socks of DOOM
Sniper Socks 2014 Little boy socks Sock Madness Round 2 Sock Madness Round 1 Auction Socks of Doom Camden Cap 2013 Advent Scarf Handwarmers Ysolda’s mystery KAL Shawl
What do I have on the needles and what is the likelihood of completion?
- The Swirl (50% complete). Very likely to finish the knitting. The seaming might get procrastinated.
- The Sock blanket scarf (60% complete). Now too big to carry round as a portable knitting project, but too small to be finished. Slim chance of finishing any time soon.
- The amigurumi project. I’ve lost interest in this. I have an elephant and half a turtle. Needs bringing to a close before I start another crochet project.
- Some camouflage lace socks (first sock nearly done). Highly likely to be finished. These were put aside in order to do the great big auction socks of DOOM. It was a toss-up as to whether to finish these before the swirl, but the swirl is definitely winter knitting, so these can wait.
- Some plain socks using the Fish Lips Kiss Heel – always nice to learn a new heel. (Honesty here – I’ve just had to add this to Ravelry because I started it over the summer when I was in a hurry for a new project and never got round to adding it as a WIP). My current portable project: slowly but surely it will be finished.
- The big cotton blanket from 2011. I think I’ve six squares completed. Let’s not kid ourselves: I may as well add this to the WIP list for the end of next year. The blanket needs to be bigger than the child it is destined for (or her dolls) and she is now 3.
The plan is to finish the swirl before starting anything else.
What is in the queue and ready to begin?
- Color Affection: yarn wound, pattern printed
- Kadril – pattern gifted by Beth in 2013, yarn chosen, needs winding
- Knee-length socks for me. Yarn purchased, need to choose pattern
- A crochet kit that I bought at Yarndale (impulse purchase because the yarn is so pretty)
Looking further ahead
- I’d like to learn to fit a sweater properly
- I’ve got a great big skein of laceweight that wants to be a big shawl
- Spinning, perhaps even spinning for a particular project and then knitting it
4 responses to “2014 FO and WIP round-up”
Two things:
1 – I HAVE to finish a Kadril and gift it to you before you can knit one or the shame will simply be too great
2 – You can change the sharing settings on individual RAV projects to allow public viewing – this can be useful when blogging
A third – you are making me feel like a knitting lightweight. Wow!
I’m being dense: I don’t mean Kadril, I mean Catkin, which is the one you sent me the pattern for the year before last.
I’m not planning to knit Kadril at all and you are under no obligation to knit one either – I know the yarn was objecting strongly to the pattern.
I’m halfway through reading Little red in the city, which is really helpful about knitting to fit (N also enjoyed helping with all the measuring). I also have Knit to flatter but I’ve only flipped through that one so far.
I’ve got Little Red in the City too. I think my next sweater project will be one of those ones.