The big long socks of misery are off the needles, blocked and ready to send. Almost instantly, I felt a lightness of spirit and dived back into my various knitting bags to see what was lurking within.
I spent an evening knitting on a lace sock, before sitting down to think about what would be the biggest win to finish. The conclusion? Finish the swirl.
Originally cast on new years day 2013, this project reaches its second anniversary later this week. I’ve knitted to beyond the halfway point now and I have momentum. There’s a handy thread on the swirl ravelry group that tells you the halfway point in each pattern. I have slightly less than half the yarn left, so another skein of the dark grey is on the way here. I’m hoping that means I won’t run out after all, but better safe than sorry.
My aim for the next couple of months is to operate a finish two projects for each one started policy. It would be lovely to cast on some of those patterns that I’ve been thinking about for years.
In love with knitting again
One response to “In love with knitting again”
Maybe when I see you in 2015 I’ll see a finished Swirl? I think I’ve visited a part-done Swirl twice now?!