Decisions made


This was the scene when I got out my stash to look it over and decide what to knit next. Mr H came into the room, took one look at this lot and disappeared upstairs muttering about an early night.

There are 364 sock patterns in my Ravelry library, so it took quite a while to narrow it down. I’ve added a few more sock patterns to my Ravelry Queue:

Both of these are good for variegated yarn. However, I decided I wanted to knit some semi-solids and I have cast on Tintern Abbey Socks. This has a whole new (to me) toe and heel construction – The Sherman Toe/Heel – and is from Brenda Dayne’s ongoing ebook, Welsh for Rainbow.

Way back when, I resolved to knit (and wear) a pair of socks in pink. I’ve put it off long enough. Here is the first toe. Strictly speaking this is the second toe, since the first one I knit using the instructions for a Sherman Toe bore no resemblance whatsoever to a toe. It turns out that if you follow the instructions (without questioning them and doing what you think they mean instead of what they actually say) then it works fine.


In other news, I have been baking:

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Fresh croissants for breakfast is something I probably shouldn’t get used to.



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2 responses to “Decisions made”

  1. Beth avatar

    oooh… croissants. They look fabulous. You must get up frighteningly early.

    re the Herringbone Rib Socks? Very handsome. I made some in Bonny yarn and they look fabulous. They made for very tedious knitting, though. They have little stretch, so need to be on the generous side. Looking back, they really gave me grief

    1. Knitter avatar

      I don’t get up frighteningly early. I make them the day before, make sure not to overbake, then heat them up for 3 minutes in the oven.

      Thanks for the heads up about the Herringbone Rib socks.