Category: In the Library

  • The theology of place

    One of the main books that underpins my project is John Inge’s A Christian Theology of Place. This quote sums up the main purpose of the whole project. But just as God can be encountered in the person of Jesus Christ, the scandal of particularity, so he chooses to make humself known to humanity in…

  • Reading update

    Breakfast reading So, the plan for reading more is working better than I thought. Breakfast reading tends to happen on the days when I am getting up with the kids but not needing a shower before taking J to school. After Paula Gooder’s book Body, I tried one of my preaching books, So everyone can…

  • Reading – a plan for 2021

    My younger self would be aghast at the need for a plan to include reading in my routine. Reading books has been as natural to me as breathing for as long as I can remember. However, various things have brought me to the point where there are some days when I don’t pick up a…

  • 2021 – a new start?

    Although I have been very lax at blogging over the past few years, I have, in fact, been writing more regularly than ever. It’s just that I write at rather than coming here. That has the advantage of being not for others’ eyes and so much less stressful to write. I do like writing…

  • Reading in 2017 – first quarter

    Rather than repeating the list of reading aims for the year each time, I have built a page that I can keep updated throughout the year. There are probably more books that I have read or re-read since January, but I haven’t been keeping a very effective list. This is just what I can find…

  • 2016 Reading Challenge final round-up and 2017 challenge launch

    Towards the end of the year,  I stopped checking the challenge list for things to read, so I wasn’t sure how many of these I would have managed. I’ve relaxed my rule on not including re-reads and I’m allowing books to appear in more than one category. a book published this year. The Hanging Tree…

  • As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted

    The last three months in brief My thumb is better I got out of the habit of knitting and have had to re-introduce it into my routine Work went crazy for a while, but it is a little calmer at the moment. I’ve been doing huge amounts of reading, but mostly as a kind of…

  • Sketchy

    For Christmas I was given, among other things, a copy of The Sketchnote Handbook by Mike Rohde. I came across sketchnoting a few months ago (via a link from the Bullet Journal site I think) and I’ve been following his website and reading about it. My initial impression was that sketchnoting isn’t really that ground-breaking,…

  • Literary input

    I don’t manage to keep much track of what I read but here’s a few of the books I read towards the end of last year. First the re-reads Mist over Pendle by Robert Neill. One of my favourite novels: the story of a young girl moving to live with a distant relative in Lancashire…

  • Finished item parade

    It’s been a busy summer so far as knitting and crochet go. The spinning is on hiatus, shortly to be resumed as my diary settles down to what passes for normal. The boy goes back to school tomorrow and, by the end of the week, I should have time to myself during the day without…