Author: Knitter

  • Reading in 2017 – first quarter

    Rather than repeating the list of reading aims for the year each time, I have built a page that I can keep updated throughout the year. There are probably more books that I have read or re-read since January, but I haven’t been keeping a very effective list. This is just what I can find…

  • 2017 First Quarter Knitting

    Here’s a reminder of my 2017 knitting/fibre goals. Complete 12 or more knitting/crochet projects Complete 2 or more spinning projects Keep accurate spinning records Knit something from handspun Brioche stitch Watch more Craftsy classes The year started very well, with finished projects flying off the needles throughout January. The silk mittens were completed and put…

  • 2016 Knitting Project round-up

    2016 Knitting Project round-up

    Here are my knitting/crochet/spinning aims from the beginning of 2016: Continue with the aim of one finished object per month Considering I had almost three months off knitting, I’m fairly pleased with managing to complete 11 projects.  3 of the completed items were started in 2015, the others are all from 2016. Knit a usable…

  • 2016 Reading Challenge final round-up and 2017 challenge launch

    Towards the end of the year,  I stopped checking the challenge list for things to read, so I wasn’t sure how many of these I would have managed. I’ve relaxed my rule on not including re-reads and I’m allowing books to appear in more than one category. a book published this year. The Hanging Tree…

  • Tidy up

    Happy New Year. I’m beginning the year with a major focus on tidying up and organising. The blog (although often neglected as usual) is no exception.  New theme (Twenty Seventeen), new header. Coming soon: An update on the 2016 reading challenge  (done) The state of the stash Completed knitting/crochet projects 2016 (done)

  • Darn it 2

    It only took me nearly 4 months to get round to putting the instructions I linked to in my last post into action. It’s a bit fiddly, and I’m not sure how comfortable it will be in a shoe, but I think it works.

  • Darn it

    Good technique for darning socks neatly by Cookie A. NB not yet tried it: link saved for future reference.

  • Stretch

    Interesting link including stretches to help with knitting or crocheting.

  • As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted

    The last three months in brief My thumb is better I got out of the habit of knitting and have had to re-introduce it into my routine Work went crazy for a while, but it is a little calmer at the moment. I’ve been doing huge amounts of reading, but mostly as a kind of…

  • A different take on organisation This article has put into words my sense of unease about the shortcomings of the Bullet Journal system: I don’t actually want all my notes in one place. Love the metaphor of the accompanying mountain.